design on the side

design on the side


Programming and Analytics Services

Custom programming to automate your applications is available!

Let design on the side automate your AutoCAD, ESRI ArcGIS, or Microsoft Office applications to help you be more efficient in your work.  We specialize in programming with:

  • AutoLISP and VisualLISP for AutoCAD automation
  • Python scripting for ESRI ArcGIS Desktop automation
  • SQL for database programming
  • Visual Basic for Applications for Office automation

And now we are offering custom analytics programming and dashboard creation using:

  • ESRI ArcGIS Online and Operations Dashboard
  • Microsoft Power BI - Microsoft Office integrated analytics and dashboards
  • - Workflow dashboards for project management
  • Tableau - Robust enterprise analytics and dashboards for all industries

Let us create the analytics and data views you need to be most productive!

Analytics and dashboards bring your data to your workforce!

Call Jim Goodridge at (812) 457-0985 for a free review of your data and what design on the side can do for you!

Tableau Desktop for analytics and dashboards

Your enterprise data can be harnessed to help you make data-driven decisions for your work!  Let design on the side take your data and create the views of the data you need using an affordable Tableau solution!

Tableau dashboards can show your productivity and monitor process uptime!

Let us create the perfect views for production, maintenance, engineering, and management to see your productivity in real time!

Tableau analytics and dashboards for your GIS data

Let us create key data views by linking your ESRI ArcGIS Server-based GIS data and your enterprise database-based project scheduling data and business data together, performing analytics on your data, and creating dashboards with maps to show you WHERE you need to work!

Microsoft Power Bi for dashboards from Office data

Let us use Microsoft Power BI to link together your Microsoft Access, Excel, Project, and SQL Server-based data and create dashboards to plan and manage your projects! is your project management and scheduling dashboard solution!

Let us show you how easy it is to have your team work collaboratively using a project management console! dashboards can also show analytical data 

Our consoles can be integrated with your Microsoft Project or Primavera Project Planner data and can show key analytical data to your project team from their computers, tablets, and smartphones!

ESRI Operations Dashboard

Let us take your GIS data and create analytics-based views that directly interact with your GIS and project data using ESRI’s Operational Dashboard and ArcGIS Online!


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